Thursday, 20 December 2012


And so, sadly, this is Goodbye from the LibraryRichard blog.

(by Myklovetide on Flickr. Creative Commons)
My employers are insisting that any Library blog I run is hosted from the confines of their VLE henceforth so, regrettably and with enormous disappointment on my part, I have to retire from editing these pages.

THANK YOU so very much to anyone who has commented on, shared links from, or read any of my posts over the past 18 months or so.

I dearly hope that at least someone has found some help from something that I've put up here, and I wish any readers out there all the very best of luck with their research and College work. Hopefully some of you will try and find me on NCG Online.


Allow me to sign off with a crie de coeur...:

Librarians do more than stamp books and tell you to sush - we are the HUMAN interface to help you find the best texts (be they online or in print), tools and techniques, and get the right information, that you REALLY want for your research. 

And we are under threat - both nationally and locally - from institutions' budgetary cuts and anonymous, injudicious internet services which some would have you muddle through for yourselves (and even champion as a more efficient, more economical equivalent); but which neither know nor care if you are finding the facts that you actually need.

Please, use us or lose us. My email address is at the foot of this page.


  1. Oh no!!! How very disappointing and how utterly dumb of the college to do this!! Your blog is one of the most useful educational (and highly professional!) resources the college has in its possession. Is there anything that can be done to reverse this decision?

  2. I've found you personally, and your colleagues, to be very helpful on every occasion I've needed help, so will continue to be a regular customer! Thanks!

  3. Just discovered your blog, it's been really useful, shame they shut it down. You were always very helpful at Newcastle College, being one of few educators in my life that managed to offer advice without being boring. Sounds silly but thanks.

  4. It has been really useful and helpful! Am glad I can pop in to the library at any time and ask you for help, appreciate all your help Richard! Thank you!

  5. Oh Richard, they got you closed down in the end. Well done for the silent rebellious stand off. What's a threat to Blackboard? Ah yes! a librarian's blog with helpful links and support.

